Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Attacks and AI updates

This weeks updates

This weeks updates featuring the three implemented attacks as templates.
First of all i wanted to thank the guys of Secrets of Grindea for showing me how i am able to make cute gifs like they have on their blog.

You should check it out.

Normal attack:

The first attack template i will show you is the normal fire which most of you have already seen
it comes up if you press the primary attack button.

Charged attack:

The second attack i will present is the charged attack. It will come if you press and hold the primary attack button until it is charged and then release it if you want to fire.
The template of the character while charging isnt there, thats why you can only see the name of the template char.

Rapid fire:

Last but not least i will present the rapidfire attack. The attack will show while you press and hold the secondary attackbutton and as long as you hold it the character will fire rapidly until you release it or until your stamina runs out. (also here no rapid fire template for the char)









A.I. for NPC's:

Here is some gif featuring the A.I. i am working on.
Because there is not much to see i will explain what it does.
The A.I. has a circle in each direction (to its left/right/back/forwart)
Each circle can be seperatly set so the enemy can "see" things in front of him which are for example 50 pixels away but not if they are 50 pixels behind the npc.

The A.I. in the gif below prusues a Player if he "sees" it but if the NPC's loses track of the Player it stops pursuing.
Additional the A.I. is trying to keep a the distance between itself and the player between a min and a max value.

Thanks for watching (feedback is welcome)

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