Sunday, 31 August 2014

New Viewangle and recreation of a whole concept.

New perstective

As we discussed about changing the perspective of the game for different reasons ive completly forgot to update the blogpost.

But since there wasnt anything to show for real ill give a short list of things we wanted to change.

As we diskussed we call the current movment 4D movment for 4 Directions movment.
Games like Pokemon, Zelda and Secrets of Grindea use such directional systems.
But there are also the so called 2D movment, which is used by games like Super Mario World, Kirby and Witchmarsh

For the clearance the 2D movment looks little like and what 4D movment looks like

4D Movment

 (Picture from Secrets of Grindea)

2D Movment
(Picture from Witchmarsh)

Now we've diskussed the pros and cons about those 2 Types of design.

The pros for 4D movment
  • More explorable area
  • easier to design per tilesets
  • casual rpg look for 2D rpg
The pros for 2D movment
  • Easier sprite animations (need just 1 animation. 4D needs 3 different)
  • More describing enviroment (backgrounds, high etc )
  • More team based combat trough keeping people together.

The votings ive started.

GameDesigners group
4D 6
2D 2

Indie Game Developers
4D 3
2D 7

Secrets of Grindea Forum
4D 1
2D 3

4D 10
2D 12

As far as i think this votings just showed us that 2D and 4D design is nearly on the same i want that level. So the design idea fell for my decision to 2D for giving more power to the animations.

New type of level designs needed.

As we tought about this new type of design we also need more level design.

Therefore i made up some ideas i knew from games like.

This shows basically the use of some diffrent kinds of doors.
For one we have the side doors that normally activate if you walk trough them. Or you have to open them via pressing the interact button by standing next to them.
Also we have the normal Doors, these doors can be passed trough by pressing the up button, or to open them the up + interact button.

Also there are Semitrough plattform objects, you can jump trough and stand on them.
Also by pressing Down + Jump youll fall trough.

This solves some problems for example by making a Village with some houses.
You use the Doors and draw the houses in the background so you can simply pass by and walk trough the village.
Also some sideways are possible for each door represents the passtrough to another map.

First to now ive to change huge parts of the AI and of the Controls to fit the new system.
Also Williams needs to draw some templates and Evans needs to draw the new backgrounds and some tiles for the plattforming. But for the first level which takes place in the woods we need some ideas for the leveldesign for a tutorial level.

Thanks for now and stay tuned till next week.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Preperation for the Arcade mode

First of all we tought it would be nice to have soon some real gameplay.
As our RPG is very huge project we can't just implement the first Storypart
right ahead and giving out some tech demo.
So we've come up with the Arcade mode idea inspired from Secrets of Grindea.

The idea is simple, if you fail youll have to start over.
But the main game mechanic of our Arcademode will be based upon cards, which are determining the

 While im desperatly programming the routines for the arcade mode, Nina is drawing some
pictures for future trees, which will be pixeled down by Evan, to improve the look of the objects ingame. Also ill add a routine to make the trees and other objects become Gameobjects to improve the over/underlayering of the players and check the collision.

Also she has drawn some idea for monsters. Example the Tapivis below.
It lives in fluids and if a player is in melee range it attacks. If he's to far away it throws waterballs at

Due to the fact that Paul has a vacation there are no new tilesets or static objects but this here.

Its a pixelart drawing i think as furniture for interior maps.

The plan will be as following, we will finish 5 Enemies (and 1 Bosstype of each.)
And then we will working on the Arcade, so i can hunt down bugs, improve performance and
get the game some gameplay.

What is left on my list of todo's:

1.Implement the rapidfireattack.
2.Implement the charged attack.
3.Add at least 2 Weapons and 3 Skills.
4.Add the cardsystem for the Arcademode.
5.Add some fancy floor/room animation for showing which room it is.
6.Getting sound effects to the client on multiplayer.
7.Implement the new planttyped enemie and the waterenemie.
8. Implement bossversions of all existing enemies.
9.Add them to th e Arcadesystem.

William is currently working on the template for male and female humans.

His working cue includes:

The plantenemy.
The Template for females.
The clothes for the beginnings.
The attackposes.
The waterenemy.
Some fireanimation.
Some wateranimation.

Pauls working cue includes the new static objects.
Stones, Trees, etc.
and more of his textures for the tileset.

Nina's working cue includes the drawing of new static objects and some enemies.

As i think the first very alpha playable techdemo of some arcade gameplay will take 3-4 months to complete for us, because there is very much to do, but we'll try our best to give soon some new feedback of how the progression looks like.

Thanks for reading and as finishing piece of candy for this week we have some
earth animation from William.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

New Enemies, the SWARM is comming

First of all this week we all had much to do in designing some enemies.
Because we want to make each enemy somehow unique, so the players have to think how to fight them it took quite a while to script the AI, and the sprites took William Priest also a lot of work effort to make.

A third enemy is already in progression.

Nao's Heart:

Nao's Heart is a Leafcreature which drops a cloud of pollen at each hop it does.
Its a shy creature which flees from the player if its too close.
Because it drops the pollen clouds at his back its a bad idea to pursue it.
Best you should fight it from the frontal.
Alone it is nearly harmless but  this enemy can be very dangerous in combination with other enemies.


Wasps took me quite a while to script Oo.
The basic idea was to programm a swarm intelligence.
At first each wesp is his own leader.
Basically if two wesps are near to each other, one will become an underling of the other.
So the leading wasp is the head of a swarm, which includes the commando.
The leading wasp determines the target and the time when the other wasps attack.
Also the other wasps try to stay within a certain distance to their leader.
A waspswarm can have up to 8 underlings and one leader.

If the leader dies all wasps are their own leader and form swarms again.

Also for debugging purposes i  changed the color of the leader to red and set debuging lines
The blue ones show which underling is following which leader.
The red ones show which target a wasp has.

Other stuff:

As one can see in the gif files above we also have some new tiles and some tilesets and some new Sprites.

Some tilesets from Paul Evans :

And we have a Logo made by Nina Rogg :

Last but not least i wanted to show a nice gif William Priest has made.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

New crewmembers

For some days now the work is ongoing again and i resumed the scripting in the GML. Also we have a new crewmember, Paul Evans, which is responsible for the awesome work at the tilesets, that will create in near future the maps. Here is one of his current tilesets, and he rapidly increases them. As he worked at the tiles and objects in the game i scripted a collision system which should allow to detect collision with not trespassable objects like walls, trees etc. (Its an upgrade of the currently system i used for Players and NPCs.) Also ive written down some of the main concepts of the game for getting more structure at my planning, and for discussing them among the team.
Also there are some pictures my girlfriend drew for me to determine the some of the races in the game Felidae(Catman) left middle are Electrons and the right one is a Plantae(Plantman)
In total the Game might have 4 till 9 Races (Depending on the effort of implementing them) Ideas and concepts are availiable for

Humans=> Standard...

Felidae => A catman race which is known for their dexterity, they are humble and religious. Also their medicine is the best.

Machina => Started as kind of a slave race their fate depends on the choices of the player (they were manmade)

 Electron => A science loving community of energy based lifeforms. Also they deny the existance of any gods.

Spectrals => They might be what we all become after death. They are a mysterious race of magic creatures .

Plantae => are quite natureloving creatures which are fighting for the life of each beeing. They hate machina and Electrons.

Diabolos => They are a mystical race and very rare, they always want the world to keep on changing.

Angelus => They are basically the opposite of Diabolos, they are trying to protect the status quo from changes.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Interupting the development for unknown time

Due to some reasons i have to interrupt the development for certain weeks.
I'm changing the university i am studying on so i have to move my habitat and therefore i need some time.
Also i am invited to test Secrets of Grindea in Beta, and to do this right i also need some time to search for bugs.

But i will update a Blogg with some of the Beta Gameplay, for those of you to see that it is not dead. And as soon as i have time to go on i will continue the work on Timelines

For all of you that are wondering "What the heck is Secrets of Grindea?!?"
Check their development block:
It is a pretty nice game which has elements from old school games like Legend of Zelda, Secret of Mana etc. And the sprites are very very smooth designed and look pretty nice.

Tomorrow i will upload some beta gameplay to present the game and show you a little but not to much of it.

Until then stay tuned.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Attacks and AI updates

This weeks updates

This weeks updates featuring the three implemented attacks as templates.
First of all i wanted to thank the guys of Secrets of Grindea for showing me how i am able to make cute gifs like they have on their blog.

You should check it out.

Normal attack:

The first attack template i will show you is the normal fire which most of you have already seen
it comes up if you press the primary attack button.

Charged attack:

The second attack i will present is the charged attack. It will come if you press and hold the primary attack button until it is charged and then release it if you want to fire.
The template of the character while charging isnt there, thats why you can only see the name of the template char.

Rapid fire:

Last but not least i will present the rapidfire attack. The attack will show while you press and hold the secondary attackbutton and as long as you hold it the character will fire rapidly until you release it or until your stamina runs out. (also here no rapid fire template for the char)









A.I. for NPC's:

Here is some gif featuring the A.I. i am working on.
Because there is not much to see i will explain what it does.
The A.I. has a circle in each direction (to its left/right/back/forwart)
Each circle can be seperatly set so the enemy can "see" things in front of him which are for example 50 pixels away but not if they are 50 pixels behind the npc.

The A.I. in the gif below prusues a Player if he "sees" it but if the NPC's loses track of the Player it stops pursuing.
Additional the A.I. is trying to keep a the distance between itself and the player between a min and a max value.

Thanks for watching (feedback is welcome)

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Ranged Attacks and Weapon Stats

This week ive implemented ranged weapons.
Also the weapons influence now the stats.

Also if you skill the the magic elements like fire, ice, darkness etc. you will get those skills also as "Weapons" meaning you can equip them as primary weapon, as secondary weapon and as quick skill
Below you see a gif showing a shot from the laser pistol.

Furthermore i currently am learning all about pathfinding to check if the npcs should have a fuzzy logic to move, attack, flee and prusu the players or if an intelligent algorithm is the better idea.

For those of you who are interested in the an explanation check the link below

Furthermore the core mechanics for the shieldskill, the normal attack, the charged attack and the rapidfire attack , are implemented.

How do they work?

There are two attack keys. The primary and the secondary key.
If you press the primary key you will make a normal attack.
If you press the primary key and hold it for a time it will charge and when you release it you will perform a charged attack. (primary key will use primary weapon)
If you press and hold the secondary key you will perform rapidfire attacks as long as you hold the key and as long as you have stamina. (secondary key will use secondary weapon)

Also there is a shieldbutton. Depending on the equipped shield skill it will drain your stamina as long as you hold it or only drain stamina if your shield deflects an incoming attack.

Also we have a pretty nice video featuring the Gun and a flamethrower in early development.

Lastly i want to add what is upcoming:

I will work on the Skill point spending system, also i will sharpen the battle mechanics.
The battle should be more smooth.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Timelines - The time holds many dangers

Timelines. The time holds many dangers

A small snowball in winter, carelessly stepped toward the abyss , can trigger an avalanche . Just as a small, tiny misconduct in your own live ,can change the  whole future to a negative one. What have those cases in common? If you could have foreseen the consequences of your actions , then you would have behaved quite differently ...
The possibility of time travel brings new opportunities - and of course dangers.

Basic concept

Time Lines is a game that is forming around the theme "Time Travel " . A motley crew of characters of different parts of the world ( up to eight playable races ) starts to travel together . The player slips into the role of the members. All have in common : They have the power to travel trought time. As such, they are able to open the door to five different eras , ranging from the medival to the distant technologically advanced future.The only problem: Alone, they are helpless - only the team can open the portals trough time. Especially for the strongly -developed multiplayer mode, this is of paramount importance .
By the time travel in timelines , the player can actively shape the future . These changes namely dynamic, depending on what decisions you've made in the past. You promote in the medival a already a given industry , eg the arms industry , so it is not surprising that in the future much better and more efficient models of weapons will be available - or that might even exist entirely new systems.On the other hand, could by the privileging of certain groups in the medival, entire cities are plunged into total poverty wiped out in the future or . Maybe you can reach through your actions to improve the quality of life in a particular place , but maybe it also raise racism ( at eight different breeds nothing unusual ), or even a global war produced .
Also, one should always be aware of it , in what era you are in. . The population of the medival determined not used to firearms - and you clearly want not to lead to riots or countless "witches" - burns ...

Game Systems

The game is build up around accomplishing a wide variety of quests . Depending on what quests to accept and how to perform , the future will change dynamically. Here, the questing is not turning exclusively to hack'n'slay tasks but be purposeful on more diplomatic ways.

Level System

The level system is relatively conventional. Opponents are classified with a rank of 1 to 5 and give according to rank different amounts of experience points ( EXP ) . The player can from those obtained Exp his improve his own skills individually( which also range from rank 1 to 5). The level of each skill has this effect on weapons, abilities, strength and other equipment.

Weapons , equipment and combat system

Weapons and equipment to own as well as opponents and Skills rank designation 1 to 5 Such items can therefore only be fitted if the associated skill have been sufficiently developed.
The combat system is dual of the factors " life points " and " Stamina " dependent. As in any other game of life bar should never fall to 0 - consequence is that one "dies" and is returned to the last checkpoint . In multiplayer mode, you can be in favor of other " revive" - only with a complete party wipe one is transported to the last checkpoint . Stamina , however, is consumed in each combat action - the bar fills up slowly again . A good Staminahausehold is thus vital and decisive battle .

Attacks and attacks

The combat system is also divided into different " attackmodi " : Normal standard attacks , Fast continuous fire attacks and strokes supercharged . What is it for one type of attack depends on the particular equipment,

a) Standard attacks

In the standard attacks are the usual games in standardized attack behavior : Simple beat, simple shot and the like. They consume only a small amount of stamina .

b ) continuous fire attacks

In the rapid-fire attacks is a very fast attack, which again and again repeated until the entire Stamina is consumed or the attack is stopped manually . Continuous fire attacks can be carried out by any kind of weapon : continued shot sequence , lasting sword stroke sequence ...

c ) Charged shock

In the charged strike is a single attack that , before it can be executed, a certain amount of time has to be charged long. He has a very large Gain / Loss Ratio: the one hand, he is very powerful, on the other hand it is rather unprotected during the charging phase .
In addition, still exist so-called Quick , block and Dashskills . The Dashskill is influenced by the worn armor and allows faster moving and dodging . In the Quick Skill is a Quick-Play Spell , which is often based magic .The block skill , however, is contingent on the equipped weapon : It blocks , as the name suggests, enemy attacks and must therefore be situationally activated.

closing statment

First, an arcade mode is completed for the game to provide the basic underlying mechanisms and ready to refine . In this it simply a question of rooms full of monsters to clear - as a reward you will randomly get a key, which determines the next room (medical room , heavy monsters, little monsters, treasure , or the like) .
Once this is completed , the main story is facing , to represent the midpoint in the quests , story and social interactions .
Until then, I hope that persists interest in the progress of this project.

Best regards,Ark626 & Team .

Timelines - Die Zeit birgt viele Gefahren

Die Zeit birgt viele Gefahren

Ein kleiner Schneeball im Winter, unvorsichtig in Richtung Abgrund getreten, kann eine ganze Lawine auslösen. Genauso wie ein kleines, klitzekleines Fehlverhalten im eigenen Leben die Zukunft ins negative verändern kann. Was haben beide Fälle gemeinsam? Hätte man die Konsequenzen seines Handelns vorhersehen können, dann hätte man sich ganz anders verhalten …

Die Möglichkeit des Zeitreisens bringt ganz neue Möglichkeiten mit sich – und natürlich auch Gefahren.

Timelines ist ein Spiel, das sich rund um das Thema „Zeitreisen“ formiert. Eine bunt zusammen-gewürfelte Truppe aus Charakteren verschiedenster Gegenden der Welt (bis zu acht spielbare Rassen) beginnt miteinander zu reisen. Der Spieler schlüpft dabei in die Rolle eines der Mitglieder. Allen gemeinsam: Sie besitzen die Macht durch die Zeit zu reisen. Dadurch stehen ihnen die Tore zu fünf verschiedenen Epochen offen, die vom Mittelalter bis in die ferne technologisch weit fortgeschrittene Zukunft reichen.
Einziges Problem: Alleine sind sie hilflos – nur im Team können die Portale geöffnet werden. Besonders für den stark ausgebauten Multiplayer-Modus ist dies von herausragender Bedeutung.

Durch das Zeitreisen in Timelines kann der Spieler aktiv die Zukunft mitgestalten. Diese verändert sich nämlich dynamisch, je nachdem, was für Entscheidungen man in der Vergangenheit getroffen hat. Fördert man im Mittelalter schon einen bestimmten Industriezweig, z.B. der Waffenindustrie, so ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass in der Zukunft weitaus bessere und effizientere Modelle zur Verfügung stehen werden – oder dass vielleicht sogar ganz neue Systeme existieren.
Andererseits könnten durch das Privilegieren von bestimmten Fraktionen im Mittelalter ganze Städte in der Zukunft ausradiert oder in vollkommene Verarmung gestürzt werden. Vielleicht erreicht man durch sein Handeln eine Verbesserung der Lebensqualität an einem bestimmten Ort, vielleicht ruft man aber auch Rassismus (bei acht verschiedenen Rassen nichts Ungewöhnliches) oder sogar einen weltumspannenden Krieg hervor.

Auch sollte man sich stets dessen gewahr sein, in welcher Epoche man sich gerade befindet. Die Bevölkerung des Mittelalters ist bestimmt nicht an Schusswaffen gewöhnt – nicht dass es zu Ausschreitungen oder zahllosen „Hexen“-Verbrennungen führt …

Das Spiel wird sich um das Erledigen von verschiedensten Quests aufbauen. Je nachdem, welche Quests man annimmt und wie man sie ausführt, wird sich die Zukunft dynamisch verändern. Dabei wird sich das questen nicht ausschließlich um hack'n'slay-Aufgaben drehen, sondern auch auf mehr diplomatischen Wegen zielführend sein.

Das Levelsystem ist relativ konventionell. Gegner werden mit einem Rang von 1 bis 5 klassifiziert und geben je nach Rang verschiedene Mengen an Erfahrungspunkten (Exp). Der Spieler kann von den erhaltenen Exp seine eigenen Skills (die ebenfalls von Rang 1 bis 5 reichen) individuell verbessern. Das Level des jeweiligen Skills hat dabei Auswirkungen auf Waffen, Fähigkeitenstärke und sonstige Ausrüstung.

Waffen-, Ausrüstungs- und Kampfsystem
Waffen und Ausrüstung besitzen genauso wie Gegner und Skills eine Rangbezeichnung von 1 bis 5. Entsprechende Items können also nur ausgerüstet werden, wenn der dazugehörige Skill hinreichend ausgebaut wurde.

Das Kampfsystem ist dual von den Faktoren „Lebenspunkte“ und „Stamina“ abhängig. Wie in jedem anderen Spiel sollte der Lebensbalken nie auf 0 sinken – Konsequenz ist, dass man „stirbt“ und zum letzten Checkpoint zurückversetzt wird. Im Multiplayer-Modus kann man sich dagegen gegenseitig „wiederbeleben“ - nur bei einem kompletten Party-Wipe wird man zum letzten Checkpoint versetzt. Stamina dagegen wird bei jeder Kampfaktion verbraucht – der Balken füllt sich langsam wieder auf. Ein guter Staminahaushalt ist somit überlebenswichtig und kampfentscheidend.

Attacken und Angriffe
Das Kampfsystem teilt sich ebenfalls in verschiedene „Angirffsmodi“ ein: Normale Standardangriffe, Schnelle Dauerfeuerangriffe und Aufgeladene Schläge. Um was für eine Art von Angriff es sich handelt, hängt von der jeweiligen Ausrüstung ab,

  1. Standardangriffe
    Bei den Standardangriffen handelt es sich um das in Spielen übliche standardisierte Angriffsverhalten: Einfacher Schlag, einfacher Schuss und Ähnliches. Sie verbrauchen nur eine geringe Menge an Stamina.
  2. Dauerfeuerangriffe
    Bei den Dauerfeuerangriffen handelt es sich um einen sehr schnellen Angriff, der sich immer und immer wieder wiederholt, bis die gesamte Stamina verbraucht ist oder der Angriff manuell abgebrochen wird. Dauerfeuerangriffe können von jeder Art von Waffe ausgeführt werden: andauernde Schusssequenz, andauernde Schwerthiebabfolge, …
  3. Aufgeladener Schlag
    Bei dem aufgeladenen Schlag handelt es sich um einen einzelnen Angriff, der, bevor er ausgeführt werden kann, eine gewisse Zeit lang aufgeladen werden muss. Er hat eine sehr große
    Gain/Loss-Ratio: einerseits ist er sehr kraftvoll, andererseits ist man während der Aufladephase eher ungeschützt.

Zusätzlich existieren noch sogenannte Quick-, Block- und Dashskills. Der Dashskill wird von der getragenen Rüstung beeinflusst und ermöglicht schnelleres Bewegen und Ausweichen. Bei dem Quickskill handelt es sich um einen Schnellzauber, der oft magiebasiert ist.
Der Blockskill dagegen ist wieder abhängig von der ausgerüsteten Waffe: Er blockt, wie der Name schon sagt, gegnerische Angriffe und muss deswegen situationsbedingt aktiviert werden.

Als erstes wird ein Arcade-Modus für das Spiel fertiggestellt, um die grundliegenden Mechaniken fertig zu stellen und zu verfeinern. In diesem geht es einfach nur darum Räume voller Monster zu clearen – als Belohnung erhält man zufällig einen Schlüssel, der den nächsten Raum bestimmt (Heilraum, schwere Monster, leichte Monster, Schatz, o.Ä.).

Sobald dies fertiggestellt ist, wird sich der Hauptstory zugewandt, in dem Quests, Story und soziale Interaktionen den Mittelpunkt darstellen sollen.

Bis dahin hoffe ich, dass weiterhin Interesse am Fortgang dieses Projekts bestehen bleibt.

Viele Grüße,
Ark626 & Team.